

Chewbacca by lovecrys featuring a faux fur vest

Chewie's got a lot of long luscious hair so he's clearly a high-maintenance diva. And high-maintenance divas love their fur vests, ya'll. More evidence of Chewie's diva-ness? His utterly unique voice. I see a grammy in his future! Move over, Adele!


Yoda by lovecrys featuring leather jackets

Yoda is pretty mysterious. No one knows where he comes from or even what species he is. What we do know is that he seems to harbor a fondness for swamp planets and odd sentence phrasing. Yoda is down to earth but powerful., so the outfit has a loose blazer and some structured wedges, all in earth tones and greenery.

Which outfit is your favorite?


  1. Haha what a cute idea! I'm personally for the Yoda look - I love the shirt. I'm not big into firs.

    1. I've never been big into furs either, but I'm thinking I might give it a try this winter lol

  2. Great outfit ideas, inspiring :) I kinda like Yoda more, but I think I'd be wearing Chewie, just for the sake of Finnish weather :D xoxo ♥

  3. I think I like the Yoda more, but mostly I just love the fact that you decided to take outfit inspiration from star wars characters.

  4. I don't think I could pull of either one, but I dig the jacket in the Yoda one just a bit better. (:

    1. Fur is definitely hard to pull off, and I think you've got to have a certain legginess to feel totally comfortable in the Yoda outfit. I'd still try it anyway haha


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