Black is Back!

I came across this outfit in a purely accidental way. I had to wear black and white since I sing on the choir at my church and all the dresses I tried on that morning were dysfunctional. So I reached into the annals of my closet and found this skirt that I have had since I was like eight (lol!). I found a black shirt to go with it and voila! A lovely ensemble!


  1. Very classy look, I love it! You look so sophisticated, and the outfit has the kind of old-time style (reminds me of Audrey Hepburn) that is so cool! :) xoxo

  2. Hi Cryss! I like your outfit and I like singing too. I haven't received the earrings, do you know anything about them?

  3. Cute! I have to wear black to band concerts, and I've been wearing the same thing since eighth grade (I'm a junior in college now). I actually did pick up a new (and by new, I mean a $2 White House Black Market shirt from Goodwill) black shirt a year or so ago, but still.

  4. You're amazing... just the way you are <3

  5. looking really great in that outfit! black is deffinitely a complimentary color :)



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