Five Easy Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic

Everyone says that "content is king." Meaning that if your blog has good content, the traffic and viewers will flock in of their own accord. Although content will make your viewers stick around, they have to discover your blog first. Here's how you can make your blog more open to discovery.


  •  Join everything! You might not be able to actively participate in everything, (unless of course you have eight arms and four computers.) but figure out which sites work best for you as a fashion blogger and take it from there. Each can be utilized for different things. 
  • Twitter and facebook are the most basic sites that everyone should use. 
  • There's also chictopia, polyvore, pinterest, tumblr, lookbook, stylesays, youtube, and many more. Personally, I had a tumblr way before I started my fashion blog. I had already built a small following there, so it was easy to use that network for Fashionably Geeked. 


  • This is a very large portion of getting visibility to your blog. One of the biggest networking communities on the internet is Independent Fashion Bloggers. It's incredibly easy for you to discover bloggers and for others to discover you.
  • Interviewing and guest posts: A great way to both gain exposure and find fellow blogger friends. Most fashion bloggers love to be interviewed.
  • Comment: Comment on others' blogs and maybe put your link as your signature. Be careful with this, however, some bloggers absolutely hate that. Be courteous and sincere. One of my current blogger friends (Kat Mellon) commented on probably five of my outfit posts in one shot. She was so sincere and I could tell she was really looking at my blog, not just looking for a new follower, so of course I was inclined to follow her!   

Examine Your Statistics

 When I first started blogging, I checked my stats multiple times a day, wondering how many views I was getting, what countries my viewers lived in, what their social security addresses were (just kidding on the last!).  Although I am less obsessed with my stats, I still check them all the time to see what my popular posts are. My all-time most popular post is a Harry Potter giveaway I did. Three of my top five are "how-to's." My most common referring sites are (in order) google, facebook, heartifb, twitter, and tumblr.

What you can gather from this is that the most common reason people read and subscribe is when you offer them something. Not just giveways (although that is certainly a big way!) but also when you teach them to do things (how-to's), when your outfits inspire them, or when they're just being curious (my "what's in my bag" post is pretty popular!).

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

I'll admit, I am not an SEO master.  What I do know is that when I submitted my blog link to google, my traffic suddenly went way up. Google searches more frequently brought people to my blog. You can submit your link to google, bing, and to yahoo, so that when people search for phrases, your blog shows up.

Love it!

The most important thing about blogging is your passion for it. Although it is wonderful to have others show their appreciation for your content by following you, that shouldn't be the main reason you are blogging. Don't do it for popularity, freebies, or viewers, do it for you! 

You can find me on:


  1. Hey, thanks for the mention! I was definitely stalking through your blog when I first found it because it is, indeed, awesome. (I felt like such a creeper!)

    1. haha...I love creepers! I think we have to, otherwise we wouldn't be bloggers!

  2. thank you so much for the tips sweetie! I'm really looking forward to use some of them. :)

    1. No problem! These have really helped to increase my traffic.

    2. hi im new to blogging and i was wondering if you could help me get more traffic to my fashion blog?

  3. Great advice! Thanks for sharing! Much needed.

  4. thanks for sharing. im always excited to get more followers and this is good advice!

  5. these are definitely wonderful ideas! networking, sharing your views and discovering new ideas from others, and really taking advantage of this entire community are so important, if, gaining exposure and really extending your scope are your goals.

  6. Thanks so much! I'm just starting my "personality" blog for my online thrift store! This is a great post!! Oh, and by the way, LOVE the new banner!!

  7. These are some great ideas, my how to posts also get the most traffic.

  8. Thank you for sharing this information. Will defo take them on board. I love watching my statitics as well because I m curious to know who is looking at my blog and what their thoughts are

  9. Thank you for sharing this information. Will defo take them on board. I love watching my statitics as well because I m curious to know who is looking at my blog and what their thoughts are

  10. hi im new to blogging and i was wondering if you could help me get more traffic to my fashion blog?

  11. Thanks! Just starting out and these helped me so much!

  12. It is a firm belief among Bloggers and Webmasters all over the globe, that DoFollow links may PASS the Google Juice of a blog/page (Decrease PageRank). high trust flow


Thanks so much for commenting! I read each and every one! If you're a follower who would like for me to check out your blog, let me know and I'll get to it asap. Toodles!


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